Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one lowercase and one uppercase letter, one number and one of the following special chars: @!%&#~§$*?+- Other characters are not permitted.
Data protection policy at Kiel University The data is elicited, stored and used to administrate, develop and improve offers and services of the ZfS Department of German as a Foreign Language (ZfS DaF) at Kiel University. Storage and application of the data supplied by the user is done in compliance with the data privacy law. Completing the registration process supplying requested data is a prerequisite for receiving services supplied by Kiel University. Registered users may both refuse to supply data and also withdraw consent with future effect (§ 12, Art. 2 Data privacy law Schleswig-Holstein). However, this has the consequence that a participation in offers of the ZfS DaF is not possible. I agree that my contact data especially my email address will be disclosed to the other members of the programme. Supplied data within the registration procedure is treated confidentially and elicited and used only for the purposes described above. The data will not be shared with third parties.